Mobile Marketing Techniques for Student Housing Property Managers

Last modified on June 24th, 2024

contact property managers quickly and easilyFor property managers who are focused on the student housing space, marketing and communication techniques may need to be somewhat different from what is offered in more standard housing settings. For example, text messaging and online marketing are both popular ways to get renters interested, and to continue to interact with them once they have moved into student housing. Not all students are young and focused on these types of techniques, but the majority of students will fall into an age group and communication pattern that is enhanced by text and online information.

Text Messaging for Student Interaction

Among the best ways to reach students who may be interested in one of your properties is via text messaging. Especially for younger generations, texting has become an increasingly and incredibly popular way to interact. From confirming appointments to just talking to others about their day, more and more people use text messaging. When it comes to property management and student housing, the goal is to make sure that text messaging is done in a way that keeps renters and potential renters interested without overdoing the number of messages sent.

Online Marketing Can Bring Students to a Property

Another way to get the attention of students who are looking for housing is to market the property and all it has to offer online. While many property managers already do this with their properties, the way it’s done may need to be different when students are involved. They are not going to respond to some of the commonly desired items that would be of interest to older renters, or to those who are not focused on an academic life. Only by clearly understanding what students are looking for in their rental property can property managers find the right online marketing strategy. Make sure you know what students want, and if you can offer the amenities, highlight them on your website and other online marketing channels.

Mobile Marketing Is a Significant Trend

When a property manager employs the right kinds of fun marketing ideas, renters and potential renters who are looking for student housing are able to see what the property will offer to them. They can also make contact easily, giving them the opportunity to reach out and find out more about any student housing opportunity they come across and that interests them. Even though most students are looking for something similar, they are also all different in many ways. Not every student will respond to the same type of advertising, but mobile marketing is the overarching way to reach them and get them interested. It’s important to reach renters where they are, and the majority of the student population is on their smartphones.

Choosing the Right Techniques Matters to Property Managers

To say that the right technique is important would be an understatement. But choosing that technique can mean some trial and error. That’s especially true for property managers that may not have been focused on student housing in the past, because changing that focus takes work and dedication. There is also a learning curve that will have to be addressed when it comes to students and the type of marketing that is effective for them. While they need different types of housing and marketing, there will be similarities that can be considered and used in order to produce a higher level of success.

Overall, the technique for marketing the properties to students can be just as important as, if not more important than, the properties themselves. Yes, students want clean, safe housing. But offering that housing in a way they can relate to shows them you are modern and can change with the times. Text messaging and online marketing are two of the best ways to ensure that students are given information they need in a way they feel good about and comfortable with, which leads to more of them renting from your property management company.

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