U.S. Apartment Trends: What’s Happening in Your City?

Published on August 17th, 2016

axio-coverAppFolio recently partnered with Axiometrics, a leading provider of apartment market data, to take an in-depth look at how job growth directly affects rent growth in the U.S. apartment market. Specifically, we looked at the first half of 2016; and, as we say hello to the back half of the year, signs are pointing to more growth for some of the top metros.

Axiometrics and AppFolio studied 20 core markets and found that the strongest rent growth is in the West and South regions of the U.S. And it’s no surprise that job growth in these hot markets is above the national average as well.

What does your market look like? Will job growth continue to climb? Will more new supply come in that might have an effect on demand? What’s the end-of-year rent growth forecast for your city?

Check out the AppFolio & Axiometrics Growth Trends Report.



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