Have you ever wondered what the future of leasing would look like? Well the future is here! eHomes of Bakersfield is a real AppFolio customer, and the video below demonstrates how they use AppFolio to create an efficient, smooth, and entirely paperless leasing flow that allows them to quickly fill vacancies with ideal residents while saving time and money in the process.
Whether you’re a busy property owner or an even busier property leasing agent, whenever you can have a time saving tool in your back pocket that simplifies the entire leasing process, how can you say no? We’ve seen great strides in the mobile leasing technology realm from basic online applications to our fully streamlined process that takes you right down to digitally signing and closing the lease on the spot. On the spot lease completion simply lands more tenants for many reasons that we’ll explore.
Just reaching your prospective renters through targeted marketing isn’t enough anymore. Without a full toolbox of digital tools you might be missing out on golden opportunities to close more sales. If you are straddling the fence between a paper leasing processes and a digital automated leasing system, here are a few details to help you get off the fence.